
Prayers Our Children Need to be Praying

This resource teaches our children to talk to Jesus in prayer. Download Now!

A Guide on Prayer: From the Victory Ground

This resource teaches Jesus’ believers how to pray from the solid foundation of His victory. Download Now!

The Harmony of the Four Gospels

This resource harmonizes the supposed “inconsistencies” of the gospels. Download Now!

Spiritual Combat Training

Know your blood-bought right to battle the principalities of this world and beyond through the victory of Jesus on the cross and by Him defeating death. Learn How!

Be Numbered in the Lord’s Army

Understand how in Jesus and what He has done, believers share in His victory – now becoming numbered among His people. Learn How!

The End is Good!

Where you are right now is never where you’ll be in the end. You may be in a dark situation now, full of uncertainty and despair. But be of good cheer, that is not the end of your story. The end is good for those who are in Christ Jesus. Learn How!