Founders’ Message from SEEDE for 2023!

Despite everything that happened across the globe in 2022, our Lord Jesus continued to be faithful and true to His word and His promises and we give Him all the glory because everything that we were able to do in 2022, He alone made it all possible.

We also want to thank every one of you who have supported our ministry in the social media space and have partnered with us in spreading the word of the gospel of the grace of our Lord Jesus.

As we welcome the year 2023, we are praying, expecting and pursuing an even more blessed year where more and more people see the glory of our Lord Jesus.

We pray you continue to partner with us as we move on to experience more of His gospel.

At seede, we understand that we, you and I, are simply just vessels… we’re really just carriers of the word of the gospel of Jesus Christ… we want to thank every single one of you who has come alongside us as we sow the seeds of His word…

In 2023, we look forward to another year… where Jesus is not only just The God we speak about but He who is True and Ever-Present, The God who is always with us, never leaving us, never forsaking us… The God who makes Himself available to us for us to experience His glory and His goodness…

And we say Be it unto us as You will, Lord Jesus… Shalom.

Again, we wish everyone a happy, blessed and prosperous 2023!