In reading the book of Romans, we must understand that Romans 7 is a condition not meant for the believer… not meant for the born-again Christian. Romans 7 is the […]
One of the mistakes we, as Christians, make is that we accept the false imagery of God that religion has painted for us. We think God is a sensitive brat […]
Whether we admit it or not, we are given to (or are easily entrapped in) the mindset that God’s goodness towards us is conditional, where we think that it stops […]
No normal decent earthly father would prosper a servant far more than his sons and daughters… Psalm 35 was written by David, a man under the old covenant who said […]
It’s amazing how many people (and sadly, including Christians) attribute their troubles to something coming from the Lord. They make up reasons why He would give them trouble… They say […]
God testified of David as a man after His own heart. In studying the life of David, we see a man under the old covenant who was operating and walking […]
Many think that Jesus only offers salvation from hell. This is not true because the gift of salvation that Jesus paid for us to have is all-inclusive. The gift of […]
Man’s free will to choose is God’s gift. Ever since the creation of man, God has always given mankind the will to choose… Adam and Eve had the will to […]