A common mindset among us, christians, is we think that blessings come upon us if and when we do good — when we give to the less fortunate… when we […]
In the Old Testament, we read about a severe famine in Abraham’s time (Genesis 12)… then we also read about another severe famine in Isaac’s time (Genesis 26)… and what’s […]
In Luke 14, Jesus told of the parable of the great supper where many were invited but the invited ones altogether made excuses, namely:⁃ having bought a piece of ground […]
Today in the modern world, information is circulated at an astonishing speed. People can get informed about things happening on the other side of the world in seconds, thanks to […]
Generally, christians find it easy to receive the aspect of the gospel as it pertains to forgiveness of sins as something that happens in this world but most christians find […]
Even today, there are Christians who believe that our Lord God disciplines His children with sickness or poverty or accidents or leaves them alone when they fail… This is a […]
A tragic reality of Christianity today is that some Christian circles believe God makes people sick to teach humility or makes them poor to teach dependence on Him or makes […]
The most illustrative bible account that shows us the amount and quality of protection our Lord Jesus has released for His people is in 2 Kings 6 where the prophet […]