Morality is important. In fact, society’s degree of peace and order is determined by its degree of adherence to the Judeo-Christian morality code found in the bible. However, preaching and […]
The new testament account of Jesus feeding the five thousand is the old testament’s Psalm 23 in action. John 6:12, in particular, where it indicates everyone being FILLED and still […]
Many of us Christians live lives based on watered down truth because so often, whether we admit it or not, we interpret Bible truth in the lens of church traditions, […]
This portion of scripture is part of what the Levites and eight specifically mentioned Levites spoke of in the hearing of all the children of Israel as they recounted their […]
Jesus did not come when humanity had gotten their act together.Jesus came in the midst of all the chaos and filth of humanity. God did not wait for humanity to […]
Many of us (who believe in Jesus) are confused with God’s nature… because we often fail to remember that the cross… the death, burial AND RESURRECTION of Jesus had already […]
Jesus spoke these words to Peter knowing that in His darkest last hours on earth, Peter is going to deny Him three times. We read in the gospel of Matthew […]
The prophet Jonah was sent to Nineveh, a city of a sworn enemy of the children of Israel — the Assyrians. Some facts about the Assyrians: Jonah was sent to […]
When Adam decided to listen to and act on the serpent’s counsel, Adam essentially committed an act of treason and made an alliance with the serpent…essentially making himself an enemy […]