The Bible is clear. Redemption and forgiveness of sins are only possible through our Lord Jesus Christ by the shedding of His blood. Hebrews 9:22 says… And according to the […]
Everyone born into this world are born sinners.We do not become sinners because we sin. Rather, we sin because we are sinners.This is why no one needs to teach children […]
There is no variation in the heart, nature and character of God. As He is kind to one so He is kind to another. Romans 2:11 says……there is no partiality […]
Many people think the gospel only refers to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John but the gospel is much more than just these four books. The word “gospel”, in the original […]
When the children of Israel wandered in the desert wilderness, God was with them day and night. It is common knowledge that the sun can be unforgiving to the human […]
In Samuel 17, David recognized Whose battle it is that he is simply just taking part of as the vessel to bring defeat upon Goliath and the Philistines — It […]
What makes the Holy Spirit suddenly stop in His tracks and happily interrupt His order of things…is interesting. We know the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God who is […]
It is pride to think that as Christians, we are not to receive anything from God and that it must be us giving TO Him, sacrificing FOR Him, giving our […]
If we want to know what our Lord Jesus is concerned with (after having died, was buried and had risen from the dead), we can turn to the last chapters […]
A lot of Christians grow in the knowledge of them, their lack, their disobedience, their filth, them, them, them… INSTEAD of Jesus being the Christ……The One who came and gave […]