Every aspect in life presents options. This is true even in warfare — one can choose to destroy weapons to leave an enemy defenseless… or one can choose to wound […]
Believing in and receiving Jesus is, in essence, being freed from the slavery of hell… and ultimately, becoming a child of God Himself… Now, God and Satan are and will […]
Jesus is The Word made flesh. Every word spoken by Jesus is divine and perfect. He does not say anything carelessly. This same attribute is shared by The Holy Spirit, […]
Our world was originally created in and with perfection. There was nothing that destroys. There was abundance of provision. The presence of God was manifest tangibly. This is a hard […]
Believers’ experiences do not always mirror what Scripture says. Things happen to us, around us and among us that don’t mirror what a born again life should be… but it […]
God knows the human propensity to sin. Every single human being born into this world is born a sinner — a slave to sin — an identity we inherited from […]
The Bible talks about angels and hierarchies of angels… but regardless of where they fall in the hierarchy… whether an angel or an archangel, they are never to be worshipped […]
As with any literary piece, it pays to pay attention to punctuation marks when reading Holy Scripture. If we’re not paying attention, we could easily mistake a statement for an […]
A lot of our fears can be traced back to a primordial fear deeply rooted at the core of human nature; born from the knowledge that we have been cut […]