None of what we do can redeem us from the consequence of Adam’s disobedience at the garden, that is, mankind’s fallen, sinful nature. God’s laws (ten commandments…all 613 commandments in […]
The devil belongs in hell and God has already decreed that the enemy will be locked up in hell for all eternity. Belonging in hell does not mean having authority […]
There are many whose lives are enriched in specific areas (careers, businesses, etc) while the rest of their lives (marriage, family, relationships, health, etc) are impoverished at best. This is […]
North, east, west and south… the four cardinal directions. Only two of these four have poles… specific coordinates… specific points… specific demarcations — the north pole and the south pole. […]
One way of defining sin is that it is falling short of glory… missing the mark of what should be as defined by heavenly standards of morality, excellence, etc. Every […]
The human being is a tripartite being. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 mentions of it this way:Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify YOU COMPLETELY; and may YOUR WHOLE SPIRIT, SOUL, […]
God is a practical God and everything He gives us are multi-layered in use, relevance and significance. Some of us, Christians, make the mistake of thinking God only gives gifts, […]
“You can’t please everybody” is a popular saying and it’s true because everyone has their own biases. What pleases one person displeases another. Now, the question is who do you […]
Proverbs 4:23 says:Guard your heart diligently,for from it flow the springs of life. Leviticus 17:11 says:For the life of the creature is in the blood… Physiologically.Our hearts pump blood throughout […]
Heaven and hell are real. The unbelief of some on this matter does not make both places not real. Every one born into this world is a sinner…one plagued by […]