When we want people to regret their mistakes and change their ways, normal human behavioural tendency is to give a tirade of shame and guilt and a litany of the […]
It would be a lie to say that once we are born again in the Spirit, we no longer commit sinful actions, think sinful thoughts and speak sinful words. Yes, […]
Psalm 119 is an acrostic of the 22 Hebrew letters. If your bible marks the start of each stanza with the letters, you will notice that Psalm 119:90 belongs to […]
There are a lot of Christians who think of God as some divine being always watching… always waiting to catch them in their sins to punish them… as if He […]
If the world is truly honest with itself, people would admit that they wouldn’t even be able to breath because the very breath of life comes from God. Nothing exists […]
Noone can value the shed blood and sacrifice of Jesus far more than The Father who sent His Son can. Even the longest living born again believer can still underestimate […]
Some of us Christians today, especially the ones in ministry, think we become holier or more spiritual when we suffer hunger or thirst or meager resources or without resources, living […]
There is a stark contrast between the old covenant of the law and the new covenant of grace… and it is especially clear in the focus of who is doing […]
What is translated as peace in Jeremiah 29:11 is, in the original text, the Hebrew word shalom. In the Hebrew understanding, shalom is not just peace as we know it […]
When Adam fell, darkness crept in to the world so that instead of mankind enlarging their territory by subduing the earth, it went the other way around… darkness encroached the […]