Proverbs 13:22 gives us a point of reference to see how God, The Perfect Father, far exceeds any good man. You see, when Adam chose to sin against God, Adam […]
What is common in every known religion is this — justification of man based on what man does… how man does what he needs to do… and whether man does […]
The original Greek text of the word translated to English as “gospel” is euaggelion (εὐαγγἐλιον). It means not just “good news” but “too good to be true news”… Indeed the […]
Ever since this world had been created, the sun had been shining on it every single day. One part of the earth where the sun shines on directly experiences daytime.The […]
Whether born again in the Spirit or not, none of us will ever get to sinless perfection in this fallen world. One way or another, we are bound to hurt […]
A popular Christian cliché is to “hold on to God”… or… “never let go of The Lord’s hand”… making it sound like a relationship with God or a walk with […]
In Acts 10, when Peter came to the household of Cornelius, a non-Jew… an Italian centurion, Peter preached the gospel of Christ and when Peter came to the point of […]
We are all caught in an ancient conflict that still goes on until today, a conflict born out of a rebellion of a created being against The Creator… an angel […]
To put holiness or sanctification simply, it is being set apart… being uncommon… For example, in our closets, we have clothes we wear at home but there are clothes we […]
We know in the story of creation how God created the visible world through the word of His mouth. He spoke the sun, the moon, the stars, the seas, the […]