Day 20: Faith is Using God’s Word to Create Highways Where There Aren’t Any

Imagine leading millions of people on foot away from enemies chasing you on horses and chariots then getting to a dead end by the shore of a sea leaving you with two options:

  • Surrender to the enemy
  • Fight the enemy to the death (with literally no weapon or combat training)

Which would you choose?

A man named Moses was in this exact dilemma and Moses chose neither.

Moses cried out to God for help and in that moment, Moses discovered he had with him all along what God had already provided to him for his need in that very moment.

And the Lord said to Moses, “Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward. But LIFT UP YOUR ROD, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.”

EXODUS 14:15-16

The rod is a picture of God’s word.

Just like Moses, every child of God had been equipped with it and as children of God, just like our Father in heaven, we only have to come in agreement with Him by speaking His word and allowing it to create highways where there aren’t any.

Reflection Question:

Do you know that you can claim and declare every promise of God to manifest in your life because it had all been paid for by the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ?

Radical Faith in Action:

In areas of your life where it doesn’t look like there is any favorable option for you, speak to your Father in heaven and ask Him to show you the specific word from His promises needed to be declared over your situation to create options only He can provide to you.

As a born again child of God, you are made in the image of your Father in heaven. As your Father in heaven spoke the worlds into existence so can you speak His word to create His reality into yours because you have a Father who is the God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did. [Romans 4:17]

Speak His word and expect for it to come to pass.