Day 19: Be Not Afraid – If God is For Us, Who Can Be Against Us?

When the world around us is overcome with bad news and grim reports of pestilence, tragedy, violence and death, it is easy to lose track of the truth that our God is always in control and He is for us and working on our side and by our side. That is why, it is important, to always be reminded of our position as Christ-believers – that we are protected and provided in Christ Jesus!

At a time when the king of Aram was at war with Israel, the king said to the officers in his court that he would be setting up a camp in a certain place. But the man of God, Elisha – the prophet, sent word to the king of Israel to beware of passing the said place because the Arameans are setting up camp in that certain area. And so the king of Israel heeded what was told to him, and Israel was able to evade the Arameans.

Time and again, Elisha would warn the king of Israel of the Arameans tactical moves. This enraged the king of Aram. He summoned his officers, demanding to tell him who was spying for Israel. He was baffled why Israel is always two steps ahead of his plans. The officers told him that it was the man of God, Elisha – the prophet, telling the king of Israel the very words the king of Aram speaks in secret. The king of Aram ordered his men to capture Elisha, sending a strong force where the prophet was.

By early the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had already surrounded the city where the prophet was. Elisha’s servant got worried and panicky; he wanted to know what to do. Calm as he always is, Elisha answered:

“Do not be afraid, those who are with us are more than those who are with them!”

2 Kings 6:16

And Elisha prayed so God may open the servant’s eyes so he may see. And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes; he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the Lord for blindness to strike the army. And it was done, as Elisha had asked. With Elisha’s prayer, the army was defeated, and the Arameans stopped raiding Israel’s territory.

Why is this story important? What can we learn from it?

Firstly, we have to realize that the physical realm – what can be seen, touched, or felt – is just one component of our existence. There is also a spiritual realm – what cannot be seen, touched, or felt; and the spiritual realm is as real as the physical realm. The story proves just that!

We do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:18

Secondly, faith is the bridge between the physical realm and the spiritual realm. Just like in the story, Elisha saw by his spiritual eyes the hills full of horses and chariots of fire – God’s army, and the Lord opened the servant’s spiritual eyes to see them as well.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrews 11:1

Lastly, faith is knowing who we are – redeemed by Christ and victorious in Christ, and whose we are – God’s children and chosen people. It is the complete reliance in a loving God who protects and provides His children, and who fights and wins their battles. Faith is standing in the finished work of Christ and wielding Christ’s victory against challenges and circumstances in life and the enemy all around.

If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

Reflection Question:

How do you usually react when faced with challenges and circumstances in life and when the enemy taunts you with its tactics?

Do you easily get worried and panicky or do you have complete reliance in God, knowing that He’s on your side working in your behalf – fighting and winning your battles?

Radical Faith in Action:

Learn about your inheritance as a Christ-believer. Be comforted in the truth that you are loved by the Father, His heart is to prosper and protect you, and even if you’re facing any challenges and circumstance in life, He is with you and in you fighting and winning the battles. Be not afraid, we have a God who is greater than all the enemies combined! When you get worried and panicky, encourage yourself in the Lord and renew your mind in the truths of His love and grace.