Day 21: Amen, I’m Alive Because Jesus Lives!

One of the most profound revelations I learned from having a close relationship with Jesus as my Lord, Savior and Redeemer, is the truth that death is not really the be-all-end-all after life here on earth. In fact, death – for Christ-believers – is just the beginning of an eternity in the presence of God. Know that whatever struggles, adversities and troubles we are facing today or in the future in this earthly life, those really pale in comparison with the glorious assurance of life-everlasting in heaven with God’s company!

How is this possible, you may ask? Because if you look at yourself, you have not done anything to deserve heaven, or you haven’t attained the passing mark required to be in constant communion with God for all of eternity.

Simply put: it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with Jesus!

For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 6:23

And there is nothing we do (or not do) to earn this free gift of salvation:

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God;

Ephesians 2:8

Jesus, as man’s representative on the cross perfectly accomplished all the requirements of God, satisfied His righteous indignation against man’s fallen nature and sin, and defeated death once-and-for-all by His sacrifice and death on the lonely tree. Jesus, took our sinful nature and bore the consequences of sin, dying on our behalf – so that today, once we put our trust on Jesus and accept Him as our Lord, Savior and Redeemer, His victory over death is ours. And His free gift of salvation is also ours. We are alive because Jesus lives!

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!

2 Corinthians 9:15

Friends, let us continue to remind ourselves that because of Jesus and His obedience even to death, we are then able to share in His blood-bought gift of eternal salvation. We ought to praise and worship Him because of this, and we’ll continue to do so as we listen to Matt Maher’s song titled Because He Lives (Amen).

I believe in the Son
I believe in the risen One
I believe I overcome
By the power of His blood

Amen, Amen
I’m alive, I’m alive
Because He lives
Amen, Amen
Let my song join the one that never ends
Because He lives

I was dead in the grave
I was covered in sin and shame
I heard mercy call my name
He rolled the stone away

Because He lives
I can face tomorrow
Because He lives
Every fear is gone
I know He holds my life my future in His hands

Amen, Amen
I’m alive, I’m alive
Because He lives
Amen, Amen
Because He lives