Radical Savior, Radical Faith: #21daysofradicalfaith

As Christ-believers, we have been re-birthed with the Spirit of God inside of us. Jesus, on the cross, took all the curses and the wages of sin in His body, and on our behalf bore them all. He sacrificed, suffered and died for all our sins and transgressions, so we share, at this very moment and right now, in His eternal victory against the enemy!

What does this mean for us, for those who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord, Savior and Redeemer? We are heirs and joint-heirs of Jesus’ victory, and that is why salvation is ours not because of all the good things that we’ve done or are doing, but solely on the basis of Jesus and His obedience on the cross. And by His resurrection, we also share in His glory – so that today, our standing is that of a conqueror (through Jesus’ conquest and defeat of the enemy)! A divine exchange occurred on the cross, thereby, all our sins and transgressions are transferred to Jesus – and we are forgiven and saved by His death. In the same stroke, His righteousness, which we are deficient on our own, was transferred to us – and thus, we are blessed and graced with God’s favor. That’s the good news of what He has done for us, in us and through us, Christ-believers! And that’s our assurance that when our physical bodies cease to exist on earth through death, our spirit lives on forever in the presence of the Almighty God.

While our eternal hope of Christ’s salvation is assured, we can also apply what Jesus did in our lives right now! Realize that the application of this in our lives determines whether we are also victorious while living here on earth.

Take the example of healing: because we’re living in a fallen world, any disease is part of this. But as Christ-believers, disease has been dealt with in the body of Jesus, and healing is a purchased possession for those who are saved by Jesus’ blood. For it is written:

But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.

Isaiah 53:5

Take another example on the matter of provision: although we are living in a world where scarcity abounds, our God is super-abundant and the source of every good thing. As Christ-believers, we share in His abundance, and we look to Him as the ultimate source of every provision in our lives. Our provision is righteously purchased by Jesus, bought by His blood. On the cross, He bore our nothingness and poverty, so we can share in His wholeness. For it is written:

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.

2 Corinthians 8:9

And yet, another example – this time on protection: the world is pestered with harm. Every minute or so, we hear of negative news wrecking havoc on mankind. The latest and the most protracted onslaught of the enemy is caused by the coronavirus pandemic. For the world, panic and uncertainty is the norm. But for Christ-believers, peace and certainty is our antidote, rooted in the knowledge that we have the sure foundation in Christ.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Deuteronomy 31:6

Friends, the next series in our 21-Day Challenge is on having radical faith. We will expound in the next 21 days some of the most important concepts of wielding in faith what Jesus Christ has purchased freely for us, His people. When we have a greater revelation of what Jesus did for us, in us and through us, we can certainly enforce the inheritance that is ours – may it be in the area of health, provision, protection and much more. Allow us to guide and facilitate you in this journey, as we learn and encourage ourselves of the many blessings that our God is able and willing to provide His children. I pray that with this #21daysofradicalfaith journey, Christ-believers’ eyes of understanding are opened to God’s glorious truths, because as Jesus is revealed in our lives, we are able to magnify Him more and more, while having the ability to face adversity head-on, and be successful and win in life.

We also believe that without faith, it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). But it doesn’t take a huge amount of faith; for even faith as small as a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20), God can use that small amount to start transforming our life, to thrust us into higher levels we’ve never imagined before and to use our life specifically for His glory. But faith without the accompanying action is nothing (James 2:26). There needs to be a corresponding action, to allow faith to positively affect our life and the lives of the people surrounding us. In the next 21 days, as part of this #21daysofradicalfaith challenge, we will also be encouraging everyone to do simple tasks to activate our faith and apply this faith in our daily living as we interact with others.

Our prayer as we start this journey: May the Spirit of God guide and lead us as we become salt of the earth and light of the world in our own special way, touching and affecting our inner circle of friends and/or family members for Jesus. Happy encountering Jesus and let us be blessed always, AMEN!