Day 19: We Want More of You, Jesus, Let Your Kingdom Come!

In the beginning, God had given man dominion over the earth but man forfeited it to the devil when Adam fell. This is why satan is called the ruler of this world.

This is also the reason why Jesus did not correct the devil’s word specific to having the authority, at that time, to give the kingdoms of the world for it has been delivered to him when Adam fell. (LUKE 4:6)

But Jesus was not going to take the dominion back with the terms of the devil. Jesus was only going to take it back within the terms of The Father. Jesus righteously took back the dominion over the earth as Man in sinless flesh to give it back to man.

Today, every born again believer walks under the umbrella of Jesus’ authority over all the earth. We are ambassadors of King Jesus and by His authority, we can decree the will of heaven, the ordinances of His kingdom.

Jesus teaches His disciples a prayer in Matthew 6 that starts off with:

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done.
On earth as it is in heaven.

This is not a passive prayer of waiting for things to happen but an active one calling for disciples, the children of God, to covet for the things of heaven to manifest on earth through them.

In heaven, there are no pandemics…the global situation we are in is not the will of The Father and so we cry out for things of heaven to wreak the schemes of the enemy oppressing the earth.

Come join us as we raise our voices along with Bethel Music in Heaven Come.

You are calling me again
I hear your voice upon the wind
In the quiet in the still


Glory written in the sky
In the turning of the seas
Echoes of your majesty


All that you have done
The promise that there’s more to come
All I am cries out for more of you

Your presence is heaven
Oh to be with you
Just to be with you
Your glory all around me
Oh to be with you
I love to be with you

There’s a stirring in my soul
And a fire here within
Deep is calling deep again

It’s Heaven

Heaven come fill this place
Glory to glory and grace to grace
Here and now your kingdom come
Our God eternal now and forevermore

Now and forevermore
Let your kingdom come
Here in my life, God
Let your kingdom come
Here in my life, God

Let the wind blow through me
Let your wind blow through me
Jesus, be glorified