Day 13: God’s Fighting For Me – I’m Not Letting Fear Hold Me Back!

Did you know that fear is a spirit? In Paul’s writing to Timothy, he exhorted that “God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Tim 1:17). Why is this very important to know for Christ-believers? Because fear is one of the many tools that the enemy hurls towards us, God’s people.

Cognizant of this fact, it’s really up to us, Spirit-filled believers to stand our ground when fear creeps up in our minds. We remind ourselves that the battle is won; that the enemy is defeated, and that all its schemes have been forfeited and disempowered on the cross by our Lord, Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ!

This is the ultimate fight of our faith. Do we really believe the lies of the enemy and let fear dominate our lives, or do we stand in the solid foundation of what Christ has accomplished for us, in us and with us? It’s easy to be swayed by the obstacles surrounding us, when the world is darkened, filled with doom and gloom, uncertainty and despair. But for Christ-believers, the battlefield is in the mind, and we are reminded by this in Paul’s writing to the Corinthians:

For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ

2 Cor 10:4-5 (NKJV)

What’s the solution then, when fear starts to rattle and befuddle a Christ-believer? The answer: Re-direct our minds, and assure ourselves – bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ! Not our obedience, mind you, but Christ’s obedience when He completed His redemptive work on the cross.

When fear tells you that you or family members can be the next victim in this pandemic or any disease for that matter, assure yourself: For by Jesus’ stripes, I am already healed. No weapons formed against me shall prosper. (Isaiah 53:5, Isaiah 54:17)

When fears tells you that your finances are not enough, look at the source of all your provisions, and encourage yourself: The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not lack. If God gave heaven’s best in Jesus to die for my sins, how will He not also freely give me everything else in Him? (Psalm 23:1, Romans 8:32)

When fear tells you that hazards are all over and you or your family maybe harmed, declare God’s protection: God is my hiding place, He will protect me and my family from trouble. He will rescue me from every evil attack. (Psalm 32:7, 2 Tim 4:18)

Friends, be encouraged that through Jesus Christ, and what He’s done – on the cross (His suffering, sacrifice, death), and later, His resurrection – are proofs of His undying love for His people, His undying love for YOU! Part of being a new creation in Christ is this inheritance that you are not of this world but HIS! And because of this, fear is already a defeated foe, an irritation in our minds that needs to be eradicated.

Let’s allow JESUS to dominate our lives rather than fear. The song, I Will Fear No More by The Afters, is a great start of reminding ourself not to let fear be the dominant force in our life, but focusing of Jesus instead!

Every anxious thought that steals my breath
It’s a heavy weight upon my chest
As I lie awake and wonder what the future will hold
Help me to remember that You’re in control

You’re my courage when I worry in the dead of night
You’re my strength ’cause I’m not strong enough to win this fight
You are greater than the battle raging in my mind

I will trust You, Lord
I will fear no more
I will lift my eyes
I will lift my cares
Lay them in Your hands
I’ll leave them there
When the wind and waves are coming
You shelter me
Even though I’m in the storm, the storm is not in me

You’re my courage when I worry in the dead of night
You’re my strength ’cause I’m not strong enough to win this fight
You are greater than the battle raging in my mind
I will trust You, Lord
I will fear no more

No power can come against me
‘Cause You have overcome
No darkness can overwhelm me
‘Cause You’ve already won