Day 11: Fear Has No Hold on Me Because Jesus Lives in Me

Jesus likened satan and his cohorts to serpents and scorpions. Like scorpions, death whom God says is an enemy, sting to kill.

Today, everyone who believes in Jesus has been given His authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing hurts them. (Luke 10:19)

Why? Because Jesus came to fulfill the law right down to its last dot. By fulfilling the law, Jesus took away all the strength that sin had and because sin no longer had strength, death lost its sting.

The sting of death is sin, and the strength of sin is the law.

1 Corinthians 15:56, NKJV

Jesus fulfilled the law and died with your sins and mine. He took our place on the cross and died for us.

Jesus was resurrected because of our being declared righteous.

Romans 4:25

We were all once dead in sin but by believing in Jesus, we were born again because of what He did for us. Everyone who believes in Jesus no longer lives on their own. The Spirit of Jesus lives in us and because Jesus lives in us, what then is there to fear?

Come join us as we sing about our resurrection because of The One who died for us — The One who lives in us — our Lord Jesus Christ. Come sing with us to the tune of See the Light by Hillsong Worship.

Arise my soul
Remember this
He took my sin
And He buried it

No longer I who live
Now Jesus lives in me
For I was dead in sin
But I woke up to see the light

No I won’t boast
But in the cross
That saved my soul
All else is loss

The grip of fear
Has no hold on me
So where oh death
Where is your sting

All of this for your glory

No longer I who live
Now Jesus lives in me
For I was dead in sin
But I woke up to see the light