Day 4: The Blood of Jesus is Rewriting History

As born-again Christians, we are not called to pretend like this pandemic is not happening nor are we called to ignore facts. We have to realize that we live in this fallen world and we have a real enemy; not one of flesh and blood but one that has been defeated, disarmed and disempowered a long time ago by the cross of Jesus Christ. Yet, the enemy still comes to terrorize and mar human history with fear and death.

Satan’s lease on the earth is running out and we know his end — locked away for all eternity in the fire of hell!

But while he runs loose in this world, Jesus has given us His authority to trample on Satan and his cohorts.

Jesus became for us wisdom from God and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.


His blood speaks of these and many more better things.


Jesus has given us the power of His blood because the enemy cannot stand against it.

It is by the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony about Jesus that we overcome the enemy.


While the enemy has meant for history to speak of destruction and death, the blood of Jesus is rewriting history so we speak the blood of Jesus over this global circumstance and as you do, we recommend getting into a state of worship with the song Better Word by Leeland. You may refer to the lyrics of the song below.

Your blood is healing every wound
Your blood is making all things new
Your blood speaks a better word
Your blood, the measure of my worth
Your blood, more than I deserve
Your blood speaks a better word
Speaks a better word

It’s singing out with life
It’s shouting down the lies
It echoes through the night
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word

Your blood, a robe of righteousness
Your blood, my hope and my defense
Your blood forever covers me
Forever covers me

It’s calling out my name
And it’s breaking every chain
It’s making all things right
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word
Yes, it does

It’s re-writing my history
It covers me with destiny
It’s making all things right
The precious blood of Christ

It’s singing out with life
It’s shouting down the lies
It echoes through the night
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word

It’s calling out my name
And it’s breaking every chain
It’s making all things right
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word

It’s making all things right
The precious blood of Christ
Speaks a better word