Good News #328: When I Am Tired and Weary, I Come to Jesus to Find Rest and Peace!

Man’s free will is a gift from God. When Adam and Eve fell in the garden because of poor exercise of free will, God never took away the gift of free will that He gave in the first place because His gifts are irrevocable. (Romans 11:29)

God respects what He gives so He would never violate man’s free will… and He believes in the best of us. He believes that when we see His goodness, we will choose to choose what is right and exercise sound judgment.

This nature of God is unchanging. He will honor what He gave us — free will to decide for ourselves.

We see this in Jesus, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil YET He never forced His goodness and healing virtue on anyone.

We read in the gospel how the people in His hometown never received a lot of miracles because they were in unbelief.

We even read how Jesus rebuked James and John, who were ready to rain down fire on a village in Samaria because they did not receive Jesus. Jesus is never going to force Himself upon anyone. He simply waits to be acknowledged, called upon, and received.

This is why He offers an open invitation to simply go to Him if you feel burdened by all the striving in this world just to barely survive. He invites and waits to be received.

The gospel is this — Jesus paid for everything we will ever need, and much more to thrive in this life, and He made it available for everyone…
But He will never force it upon us.
He simply invites us to go to Him and receive.
Jesus honors our free will.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Matthew 11:28