Good News #326: Thank You, Jesus, for Sending the Holy Spirit to Guide Me on the Right Path of Life and Blessings!

Man’s free will to choose is God’s gift.

Ever since the creation of man, God has always given mankind the will to choose… Adam and Eve had the will to choose between eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil or not eating from it… but we know both acted in poor judgment, choosing to listen to the serpent and act on its lies.

Romans 11:29 tells us that God’s gifts are irrevocable — this includes the gift of free will. This is why even though Adam and Eve fell, we today still have the free will to choose. God did not take away our free will.

And despite man transgressing against God and subjecting this entire world to fallenness and corruption, God, in His mercy, does not leave us without counsel on how to thrive in this world. God still points out our choices and then counsels us on the right choice so we can navigate through the fallen state of this world.

The gospel is this — God respects our free will. He will never violate it.
And He has and continues to make His wisdom available to all of us.
He has given us a blueprint to thrive in this fallen world.
He has given us counsel to navigate and thrive.
Whatta God we have!

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

Deuteronomy 30:19