Good News #320: Because Jesus is in Me and I Am in Him, God Will Cause My Enemies to Flee!

Isn’t it beautiful that our Lord Jesus is both a lion and a lamb?

He is The Perfect Lamb of God who laid down His life for us, His sheep… so we may live….
And yet He is also The Lion of Judah who rises to protect us from our enemies…

Jesus came to be One of us… The Perfect Man still being The Perfect God…
He died as Man to save mankind…as The Perfect Lamb…
He reigns, watches and protects us…as The Lion of Judah…

Every born again child of God has The Presence of The Almighty All-Powerful Resurrected King Jesus never leaving them nor forsaking them…
and while we, human beings, don’t see this and recognize this when we should, all of the spiritual realm does… and every enemy of darkness sees His Presence and flees in fear…

The gospel is this — Every enemy of darkness has no choice but to down the knee and flee from The Presence of Jesus…
Jesus is Divine Safety in Person.

“I will send My fear before you, I will cause confusion among all the people to whom you come, and will make all your enemies turn their backs to you.

Exodus 23:27