Good News #319: As I Follow the Leading of the Holy Spirit, Good Success in My Life is Assured!

2 Kings 3 tells us of the account where Jehoram (king of Israel), Jehoshaphat (king of Judah) and the king of Edom went out to fight Mesha (king of Moab) who had rebelled against Jehoram (king of Israel)…

When the three kings (Jehoram, Jehoshaphat and the king of Edom) and their army had marched towards Moab for seven days, they found no water for them and their animals…

Jehoshaphat asked that they inquire of the Lord through a prophet.

Smart move.

Jehoshaphat wanted to know the way to go because certainly the three kings do not want themselves, their armies and their animals delivered into the hands of the Moabites.

Now…Elisha, the son of Shaphat, was prophet during that time so the three kings went to Elisha with their dilemma.

Long story short, Elisha gave them this instruction from the Lord — “Make this valley full of ditches.”

Some of us today would think this kind of instruction is absurb and probably not from the Lord, why? because it does not sound “spiritual” enough… and it does not sound like a direct solution to the problem of water and risk of getting defeated by the Moabites…

Yet, when we read on, we find that the valley of ditches was answer for both…
first — the ditches they dug were able to hold the water that The Lord supernaturally sent their way for them, the armies and the animals…

and second — the water pools in the ditches made it look like they were pools of blood when the sun shone on them… making the Moabites think that the three armies had struck each other dead and so they thought of going for the spoils… and in doing so, they marched straight into the midst of the armies who have been refreshed by the water The Lord sent them… and thus they defeated the Moabites.

Our God is a practical God… and His solutions are practical…
When we follow His leading, we will find that one simple act answers all the challenges we are facing.

The gospel is this — God does not complicate things.
His solutions are simple, natural and practical.
Often, one Holy Spirit-directed action can solve a few issues at the same time.

And he said, “Thus says the Lord: ‘Make this valley full of ditches.'”

2 Kings 3:16