Good News #317: In Jesus, I Receive God’s Promises of Health and Restoration for My Life!

There are countless medical cases around the globe where patients are given zero hope of surviving their medical condition. Some conditions are so severe, doctors themselves would admit that nothing they will do can help the patient… in such cases, they prescribe palliative measures, which is managing the pain of the patient until the patient expires… and send these patients home.

There are also cases so rare the medical world knows virtually nothing about it and how to handle it… they would simply manage the symptoms and observe.

When the world and its knowledge come to the end of itself, we would all realize that our real hope rests on the Lord alone.

This hope is something the children of Israel know all too well in all areas of life, individually and nationally… They have been scattered all over the world since AD70 when the Roman empire laid Jerusalem to waste… They have been treated as outcasts in most of the nations they have been… even today, there is much hate towards them… YET, The Lord God has not forgotten His promise to them… that is that He will restore them and heal them… Today, the modern Jews live in their own state called by the name of one of their patriarchs, Israel… their restoration and healing is in-progress..

If God can do this for an entire nation of whom He has promised the words written down in the scroll of Jeremiah during the old covenant period, He can certainly do this and much more to the ones who are now brought to Him and made children of God under the new covenant by the blood of His Son Jesus.

Modern day Israel is a testament of The Lord’s faithfulness to His word spoken during the old covenant… not only individually to each Jew but nationally to their entire nation… and listen, we have a better covenant that encompasses all promises in the old covenant plus a whole lot more… because of the eternal blood of Jesus that our covenant was cut with…

The gospel is this — True hope for restoration and healing comes from the Lord Jesus alone…
If you need restoration in our life and if you need healing, call on Jesus.
He will never fail you.

And heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord,
‘Because they called you an outcast saying:
“This is Zion;
No one seeks her.”

Jeremiah 30:17