Good News #312: In Jesus, I Receive Grace Upon Grace for Every Aspect of My Life, His Grace Never Ceases to Supply!

The book of psalm declares something over and over again that which endures forever — The Lord’s “chesed”.

The Hebrew word “chesed” is an interesting word because it is very rich in meaning. “Chesed” encompasses different words in the English language. This is why it is rendered differently in different bible translations — either as His loving kindness… or His love… or His mercy… or His loving devotion… or His faithful love… or His steadfast love… or His faithfulness… or His gracious love, etc.

“Chesed” is all of these and much more… and if you notice, all these are undeserved, unearned and unmerited by any of us — it is His grace… and in the book of Lamentations, it says that His grace (“chesed”) are fresh every morning. This means there is an endless supply of His grace for all the days we have…

Yet in the new testament, it speaks of an even more abundance of His grace…

The gospel of John puts it this way in 1:16 (emphasis mine):
“From His fullness we all received GRACE UPON GRACE”… meaning we receive grace on top of grace OR grace in addition to the previously received grace…

It’s like right after a wave of grace hits us, another wave of grace comes right after it in a never-ending rhythm…

We have a God who gives exceedingly abundantly above all that we could think or imagine (see Ephesians 3:20)… and He gives grace upon grace.

The gospel is this — when you think you have been given more than enough grace, God still gives more grace…
Think about this — He did not just send an angel or an archangel to die for us, He sent His Only Son Jesus, who has His own blood running in His veins.
God doesn’t give bare minimum.
He gives more and more and more over and over again.

But He gives more grace. Therefore He says:
“God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.”

James 4:6