Good News #310: Through Jesus, I Now Have Direct Access to My Heavenly Father!

The place of power in every kingdom is the throne room, where the seat of power is — the king’s throne.

In ancient times, official royal decrees are issued in the hearing of the king’s assembly in the throne room as the king sits on the throne of power, the king’s throne.

No single individual can just waltz right into the throne room without the king’s permission. Anyone who dares to do so will face immediate execution.

This is why in the book of Esther, as she prepared to find an audience with King Ahasuerus, she asked for Mordecai to go and gather together all the Jews who are in Shushan and have them fast for her, neither eating nor drinking for three days, night or day as she and her maidens also do the same… and then she said “Then I will go in to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish.” (Esther 4)

Even Esther, being queen of king Ahasuerus, cannot just walk in to the throne room without permission. Had God not moved behind the scenes to have queen Esther find favor in the sight of Ahasuerus, she would have been executed right there.

Throne rooms are places of power where one move that would upset the king would mean death…

And yet, The Most High God, The King of the Universe, Heaven’s King… The King of All creation has given us access to His throne room anytime all the time… without having to fear of getting executed… and what does He call His throne? His Word calls it the throne of grace… because although it is the throne of Power over all, He uses His Power to extend grace to whoever comes to Him seeking mercy and grace.

The gospel is this — Because of what Jesus did, death is behind every born again child of God… and we can come boldly, without fear of death, into the throne room of our God who has become our Abba Father — The King on the highest throne in all of creation is Father to us.

He welcomes us anytime all the time…all thanks to Jesus.


Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4:16