Good News #309: Thank You Jesus for Saving Me From Life’s Pits and Ditches!

In the beginning, God, our Creator, made this world a perfect world. Our God never created anything with corruption in it. He created everything in His perfection and made Adam (mankind) steward of His creation. God handed over to Adam the dominion of this world — the created world of God… but when Adam decided to listen to the serpent and act on it, he gave up his dominion over this world to the devil.

One of the principles of dominion is that the nature, substance or character of whoever is ruling becomes the nature, substance or character of that which is being ruled over so when Adam gave up his dominion over to the devil, the nature, substance and character of creation (including mankind) took on the nature, substance and character of the devil — fallen and corrupted…

This is why there can never be an absolutely perfect life in this fallen corrupted world… only a perfect God who is willing to use His power, strength and might to intervene in the affairs of mankind for whoever allows Him to do so.

Mankind created the problems in this world (by empowering the devil) so in truth, while mankind may be able to find temporary relief from the pits and ditches of life, we cannot ultimately pull ourselves out of these…only The Lord God can.

This is why every single one of us needs the grace of God in the Person of our Lord Jesus.

God came bodily in the Person of our Lord Jesus so that through Him, we can have The ultimate Way out of the eternal pit called hell.. and if Jesus can pull us out of hell, He can definitely pull us out of the smaller pits, ditches and hellish circumstances of this fallen corrupted world.

The gospel is this — True and lasting freedom from the horrible pits, miry clay and deep ditches of life can only be found in the Lord Jesus.
Only His power, strength and might can pull us out of them all again and again and establish our steps on firm victorious and redeemed ground.

He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
Out of the miry clay,
And set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps.

Psalm 40:2