Good News #307: Jesus Promised and Gave Me the Holy Spirit, to Comfort and Protect Me From the Enemy’s Distractions!

Aside from lions, bears, wolves, sheep also need protection from flies and fleas. These pesky insects often trouble sheep by buzzing about their heads with a goal of burrowing in their noses or ears to lay eggs.

This distraction keeps sheep from being able to lie down and rest as they get obsessed in getting rid of these insects by either shaking their heads or beating their heads against rocks or bushes or rubbing their noses on the ground… These attempts to get rid of the flies and fleas often hurt and even wound the sheep.

As a remedy, a shepherd will pour and rub oil on the sheep’s head to keep these pests away so that the sheep can lie down and rest undistracted. Oil rubbed on sheep’s wounds also provides relief and comfort to the sheep.

Did you know that the devil is also called by the name beelzebub which means lord of the flies? Yes, the enemy is a pesky insect that can distract the sheep of Jesus.

But guess what?
Oil is a picture of the Person of the Holy Spirit and His anointing over a believer’s life.

In John 14:16, Jesus said of the Holy Spirit:
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever”

Jesus calls the Holy Spirit another Comforter (One just like Jesus but in Spirit)… because that’s what Holy Spirit does. Holy Spirit comforts us and keeps the enemy from troubling us with distractions…

The gospel is this — Jesus did not leave us without The Comforter just like Himself.
Jesus sent us Holy Spirit to be the oil upon our heads to keep the enemy away… and the oil on our wounds to comfort us and heal us.
And greater is Holy Spirit who lives in us than the enemy (the fly) who is in the world.

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil;
My cup runs over.

Psalm 23:5