Good News #306: God Created Man and Woman to Accompany One Another and Enjoy Each Other’s Company!

Nothing is impossible with God.

In the story of creation, God SPOKE things into existence… yet something curious happened when God decided to create man.

The Lord God did not speak man into existence but He FORMED man out of the ground.

The word formed in the original text is the Hebrew word “yatsar” which carries the idea of squeezing into shape, moulding a form… like a potter.

Unlike all other things in the created universe, God did not just speak mankind into existence but His hands FORMED man… God moulded and shaped man and then God BREATHED into man HIS very breath of life.

In Genesis 1, we read that every time God created something, God would say it is good…

Yet in Genesis 2, we read God saying something is NOT GOOD… not something He created but the fact of Adam being alone… and not having a suitable partner.

So, God caused a deep sleep over Adam and took a rib out of Adam’s side and God made Eve out of it… so that Adam do not have to go through life alone without someone suitable for him… because every other created thing does not have the VERY BREATH OF LIFE FROM GOD as he has… only Eve…

If you’re scared of going through life alone, don’t be afraid… your Father in heaven already thought it first that it is not good for you to be alone in this world.

The gospel is this — Nothing is impossible.
If God can speak things into existence and make Eve out of a rib from Adam, is blessing you with a suitable companion difficult for Him? Of course not.
If He can make it happen for Adam and Eve, He can make it happen for you.
The union between man and woman is God’s idea first before man ever thought of it.

The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Genesis 2:18