Good News #303: In God’s Perfect Timing, I Will Receive His Blessings!

Rain is a picture of God’s blessings.

In the original creation, a mist goes up out of the ground to water the face of the earth… but we know that when Adam fell, creation also fell and along with it, the ground was cursed.

Rain is God’s way of blessing man so that the ground can still produce food, fruit, clothing, wood, etc for mankind.

But rain falling to the ground unregulated would destroy every living thing it falls on in one huge splash — God regulated the rain to fall to the earth in drops so that even the most fragile wildflower in the fields would not get destroyed by the rain.

Rain fallling out of season would mean catastrophic flooding where in rain falling just right after winter would compress the snow on the ground turning it into ice creating a barrier between the ground and rainwater… rain also falling heavily right after an extended season of drought would mean heavy flooding as the ground at that point would have turned hydrophobic due to the drought — God ordained seasons so that the blessing of rain would not become a curse to the people.

In the same manner, God’s blessings can be very overwhelming when if it comes to us out of season… a promotion could destroy one’s career if one has not grown in leadership, maturity, wisdom, insight, etc… an inheritance of wealth could destroy a child who has not grown in financial wisdom… a relationship could destroy two people who has not learned the value of other people… a ministry could destroy one’s peace of mind if one has not grown in relationship with our Lord Jesus…

The gospel is this — God delights in blessing His children exceedingly abundantly more than we can imagine or think yet He also does not want the overabundance of His blessings destroying us in the process so He gives it to us at the right time… in season… so that His blessings would not overwhelm us and feel like a curse instead.

Whatta loving wonderful Father we have in our God!

then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.

Leviticus 26:4