Good News #300: Jesus’ Work on the Cross – to Redeem and Save Me – is Finished and Complete; I Receive His Gift of Salvation!

Sadly, there are Christians today who think that only the sins before they believed in Jesus and received Jesus are covered in the redeeming work of Jesus at the cross… so they live their born again life trying to be their own saviour from the moment they receive Christ.

They carefully watch over their words and actions… and they self-condemn when they miss the mark.
This is not good news (gospel).

Now, we are not saying that we can be reckless and live immoral lives… Obviously, we still live with moral values… but we need to live in new covenant mentality… where we live morally not to earn redemption or righteousness… but we live morally because the blood of Jesus has redeemed us and washed us clean from all our unrighteousnesses… we live in righteousness in response to His gift of righteousness…

And when we do miss the mark (because we still do no matter how long we are born again in the Spirit), we confess our righteousness by the blood of Jesus and His sacrifice (2 Corinthians 5:21)… and we remember the FINISHED work of redemption of Jesus at the cross and we thank Him for it… we thank Jesus for His finished work… we thank Jesus that even the sin we just committed had been paid for by His blood and His death on the cross.

The gospel is this — Other than receiving the work of Jesus and giving thanks for it all throughout the days of our lives, there is nothing else for us to do to complete or finish His work.
Jesus’ work of redemption and salvation is complete, finished and eternal.

So when Jesus had received the sour wine, He said, “It is finished!” And bowing His head, He gave up His spirit.

John 19:30