Good News #298: Hearing About Jesus and His Goodness Makes Me Come to Him Closer and Love Him More!

Every born again in the Spirit are those who first heard about Jesus… Who He is… how being The Son of God, He willingly came in the flesh to be The Son of Man to fulfill the law and the prophets, willingly sacrificing and laying down His life for sinful humanity… so that in the shedding of His blood and in His death, we can receive the gift of salvation and be reconciled to God Almighty.

They heard about the good news (gospel) of the grace of God.

Gospel, in the original Greek text, is “euaggelion” which means good news.

Good news is not about man having to do this and that to earn God’s blessings.
Good news is not about man striving to attain righteousness by his own efforts.
Good news has nothing to do with what man does.

Good news is about the wonderful goodness of God manifest through His Son Jesus Christ.

Yet some teachings today point to the filth and defilement of humanity instead of the glorious wonder of our Lord Jesus… no wonder people don’t think it is worth it to pursue Jesus just as the woman with a twelve-year blood issue pursued Jesus.

We are not saying to ignore the reality of man’s sinful nature… but we are saying the gospel is not about us… but about Jesus and His wonder.

Under the law, the woman is perfectly disqualified to draw near to a holy, perfect God and receive her healing… but when she HEARD about JESUS, she said to herself that if she can just touch the hem of His garment she will be healed.

The woman must have heard about all the wonderful miracles Jesus did and how He never checked whether any of those who came to Him were deserving enough of His attention or worthy enough of His power.
(NOTE: Noone is worthy. No, not one is worthy. Only Jesus is.)

She heard the gospel (good news) about our Lord Jesus… and it caused a stirring in her heart to draw to Jesus knowing that while He is holy and perfect, He is also truly good.

The gospel is this — mankind inherently knows our defilements…
What we need to know and consistently hear is the goodness of our God… the wonderful mighty goodness of our God so that in hearing, our hearts are stirred to draw to Him…
Jesus… who He is… what He has done… is the gospel.

When she heard about Jesus, she came behind Him in the crowd and touched His garment.

Mark 5:27