Good News #294: Jesus’ Blood Redeemed Me From All Curses; I Am Now Standing on Blessed Ground!

In studying carefully the curses pronounced in the beginning when mankind fell in the garden, it may not be obvious to some but the grace and mercy of God tempered the curse pronounced on humanity.

Genesis 3:14-19 tell us that:
⁃ the curse pronounced on the serpent was a DIRECT curse… it was a curse on the serpent itself.
⁃ the curse pronounced for Eve was an INDIRECT curse… it was, in fact, a curse NOT on the woman but on the act of child-bearing and on being ruled over by man, and
⁃ the curse pronounced for Adam was also an INDIRECT curse… it was, in fact, a curse spoken against the ground for Adam’s sake.

Do you see it? The serpent was directly cursed… but man and woman had other things cursed instead of us directly… this act of love, grace and mercy of God can be easily overlooked… yet there it is recorded in Scripture.

The fall of mankind resulted in the fall of creation and in the ground being cursed for Adam’s sake… fallen mankind was subjected to walking on cursed ground — ground that need to be worked on with sweat and stress, just to bear fruit instead of thorns and thistles. This made the original mandate of “being fruitful” difficult… because cursed ground will not easily bear fruit.

The last Adam (Jesus) bore all of humanity’s stress (part of the curse) — a stress so great that it bursts His capillaries causing His blood to mingle with His sweat. Medical science calls this condition hematidrosis or hematohidrosis.

Yet because the blood of Jesus is Eternal blood — holy, pure, innocent, righteous, divine blood — it reversed the effect of humanity’s sin. The blood of Jesus reversed the curse of the sweat and stress… and not just that… but His blood when it dropped to the ground in a different garden, His blood reversed the curse spoken on the ground in the original garden.

The gospel is this — Born again children of God will forever walk on redeemed ground because the blood of Jesus had redeemed the ground they walk on.
Whatta God we have!
Whatta Redeemer we have in Jesus!

And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly. Then His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground.

Luke 22:44