Good News #275: Jesus Came to Save Me and Not Condemn; Praise Jesus for His Grace and Mercy!

I think most of us are guilty of delivering the message of the cross as if it is a message of condemnation against sinners. We harp so much on the sins of humanity and our shortcomings that in our finger-pointing, we lose sight of the bigger reality that the message of the cross is about salvation — saving sinners, not condemning them.

It is easy to say we condemn sins, not sinners… but if we are to be honest with ourselves, we condemn sinners more than we point to humanity’s sins already condemned and dealt with at the cross, once and for all, in the body of another, not our own but in the body of our Lord Jesus.

John 3:16 is a very famous, very beautiful and very powerful verse but did you know that the verse after this is equally beautiful and powerful?

In John 3:17, Jesus Himself said:
“For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”

The message of the gospel has always been about salvation of the world… a world of sinners… not condemnation of sinners… even when He does condemn sins…

Let’s emphasize that again — our God does not condemn sinners BUT He condemns sins.
This is why Jesus came to die on that cross to condemn sin (not sinners), once and for all, and fully offer the gift of no condemnation to sinners through His sacrifice.

The gospel is this — the day of judgment will come when all will be judged based not on their deeds but on whether they believe in Jesus and His sacrifice… or they reject Him… one group goes to heaven… the other goes to hell.

But until then, our Lord is all about saving sinners, not condemning them.
He wants all of us saved…

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

1 Timothy 1:15

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