Good News #273: Because Jesus is the Way, He Will Make My Paths Straight and Rescues Me From the Wilderness So I Am Not Lost Forever!

Noone is ever too lost that Jesus cannot find them and lead them out of their wilderness.

Jesus is The Way…

When man fell, man was led out of the garden. Since then, humanity has been in the wilderness, separated from our Source of Life — God Himself.

Humanity, on our own, could never get out of the wilderness of this fallen and corrupted world and back to God. There was no way we can atone for our own sins… our blood is tainted and defiled blood… tainted and defiled blood cannot cleanse taint and defilement… even our own death cannot pay for our sins.

Only pure innocent blood can fully cleanse, atone and pay for sins once and for all.

This is why Jesus came.

This is why God came in the likeness of man but in sinless flesh in the Person of our Lord Jesus.

So that pure, untainted, undefiled, holy, blameless, righteous, innocent blood can be shed… to do what the blood of bulls and goats cannot do, that is, to fully cleanse sins… eternally, perpetually, once and for all.

Jesus came into the wilderness of humanity to make Himself The Road… The Way out of it… into salvation and redemption.

The gospel is this — Jesus came for all of humanity (regardless of race, gender, age… regardless of what you have done in the past and what you are doing in the present).

In our wilderness, He placed Himself as The Way out of it… and invites everyone to walk in Him out of humanity’s wilderness.

There is noone too lost for the Son of God, Jesus, The Way, that He cannot find them.


Behold, I will do a new thing,
Now it shall spring forth;
Shall you not know it?
I will even make a road in the wilderness
And rivers in the desert.

Isaiah 43:19

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