Good News #272: I Have Been Perfected Because of Jesus, the Author of My Eternal Salvation!

If salvation was something we can achieve on our own (through our obedience, morality, goodness, etc.) then there would have been no need for Jesus to come.

This is obviously not saying we don’t need to align to God’s moral code, we still do for our own safety and others…but not to earn salvation from God.

The blood of animal sacrifices in the old covenant never fully remitted the sins of the offerer, which is why it had to be done over and over again. The blood of anything in this fallen, corrupted world is tainted and will never fully cleanse us from sins.

This is why Jesus had to come in the likeness of man but in sinless flesh so that ETERNAL blood (untainted, holy, perfect, innocent, righteous blood) can be shed to fully, perpetually, eternally pay for sins and cleanse, once and for all.

If mankind cannot undo…cannot reverse…cannot terminate the effect of Adam’s disobedience to God, which made all mankind sinners…

What makes us think… that we can undo… reverse… terminate the effect of Jesus’ full obedience to God unto death, which makes those who believe in Him become saved?

Jesus shed eternal blood… who can undo the shedding of His blood? NONE.
Jesus is the author of eternal salvation… who can undo His work of salvation? NONE.

None of us created beings and what we do can be greater than The Creator and what He does.

The gospel is this — The Eternal God shed Eternal blood to author Eternal salvation.
What Jesus did cannot be undone, cannot be reversed, cannot be terminated…
Just as He is eternal… so is His work… and so is His Word.
The gospel of Jesus is eternal.

And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him…

Hebrews 5:9

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