Good News #271: Jesus’ Word Has the Power to Do Great Things; When He Speaks, His Words Comfort, Heal, Protect and Provide for His Children!

God is not limited by the conditions of His creation.

God created time, space, distance, matter, energy, etc.
This means God is outside time, space, distance… things of which we, created beings, are bound in and bound by.

In other words, the limitations by which we are bound by God is not bound by.

In the book of Genesis, God spoke and everything in creation came to exist.
The same God who spoke the visible world into existence was made manifest in physical form in Jesus when He walked the earth.

In the healing of the nobleman’s son in John 4, the nobleman found Jesus at Cana of Galilee but his sick son was at Capernaum. The distance between Cana and Capernaum is about 15 miles. That is considerable distance, probably a day’s journey at that time.

But with God who exists outside time yet in physical form in the Person of Jesus, His word transcends the distance us, His creation, are bound in.

And so when Jesus said, “Go your way, your son lives.” in response to the nobleman’s plea to come and heal his dying son, His word spoken in Cana took effect in Capernaum at the same time. His word did not take effect only until the nobleman got home to his son. The word of Jesus also transcends time.

(Regardless of time, space, distance), the word of God has power in itself to accomplish what it was sent for. (see Isaiah 55:11)

The gospel is this — What Jesus has spoken more than two thousand years ago are eternal words…
What Jesus has spoken then still accomplishes things now.
What Jesus speaks from heaven accomplishes things in earth.
The word of Jesus has power in itself to accomplish what He spoke it for.
His words will never return void.
His words are eternal, everlasting and will never fail.

Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your son lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to him, and he went his way.

John 4:50

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