Good News #267: Jesus, the Light of the World, Overcomes the Darkness in My Life and Makes My Paths Bright!

In the old covenant, the presence of God was confined in the holy of holies — an inner chamber of the tabernacle (while they were in the wilderness) and later on in the temple (when they were settled in Israel).

His presence rested on top of the mercy seat which covered the ark of the covenant placed inside the holy of holies…

Noone gets into the holy of holies except the high priest…. and even then, the high priest can only get inside once a year — on Yom Kippur — on the day of atonement… and the high priest must offer the required animal sacrifices and go through rigorous cleansing… otherwise, he would die inside the holy of holies.

No light from outside gets into the holy of holies because the tabernacle was covered in layers of cloth and leather… and the temple also did not have any windows to the holy of holies…

Yet, the holy of holies is well illuminated by the light of the presence of God.

When Jesus hung on the cross and cried out “It is finished”, the bible tells us that the veil that separated the holy of holies from the rest of the temple was torn from top to bottom… indicating that it was not a tearing from human effort but from God Whose presence no longer gets confined in the holy of holies because of the shed blood of Jesus and His death that provided for the full atonement… remission of sins.

Today, the presence of God in the Person of The Holy Spirit does not dwell in buildings but in everyone who believes in Jesus and has received His atoning sacrifice… and thus The Light of The Presence of God is in every believer…

In John 8:12, Jesus said:
“I am The Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

The gospel is this — every born again believer cannot be overcome by darkness because Jesus, The Light of the World, lives in them… and He is The Light that darkness can never be overcome.

Do not rejoice over me, my enemy;
When I fall, I will arise;
When I sit in darkness,
The Lord will be a light to me.

Micah 7:8

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