Good News #266: Jesus, the Perfect Lamb of God, Died on the Cross for Me; Now, I Receive His Robe of Righteousness!

Jesus is the fulfillment of Old testament scriptures.
Everything in the scriptures point us to The Messiah — Jesus.
All things in the Law (the books of Moses), the Prophets and the Psalms pointing to The Messiah were fulfilled in Jesus.

If we are to read old testament scriptures properly, we read them in light of the new covenant cut by the blood of Jesus. When we do so, we find that old covenant truth give us new covenant truths about our Lord Jesus.

In Matthew 13:52, Jesus said:
“Therefore every scribe instructed concerning the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasure things new and old.”

Proverbs 27:26 speaks of a natural phenomenon — a lamb providing clothing through their wool… these lambs don’t even have to die to be able to do so. Their wool just needs to be sheared and clothing can be made out of it.

Yet, Jesus, The Perfect Lamb of God… came to give us much more than clothing that wears off after some time… Jesus came to die to give us an eternal clothing that gives us right standing with God.

The gospel is this — Jesus, The Perfect Lamb of God, died the death we all deserve so that He can give us the gift of righteousness… the robe of righteousness that only He deserves to wear…
That through His death, we can wear the robe of righteousness instead of our shame and guilt…and be accepted into the kingdom of God.

The lambs will provide your clothing,
And the goats the price of a field;

Proverbs 27:26

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