Good News #265: Jesus Values Me, Made in the Image of God, Regardless of What Others Say About Me!

The Holy Spirit did not carelessly put words in the bible. Every detail in it is significant.

Jesus came into this world at a time when women and children held little value in society, treated as property.

For example:
Women can be discarded (divorced) for whatever reason.
Children can be sold as slaves.
The testimony of women cannot be used in court.
Rabbis would rather burn a scroll containing old covenant scriptures than teach it to women.
and so on…
Houses were treated better than women and children…

So… for people to see Jesus actually ministering to women and children… was shocking.
It was against the norms of society at that time.

We find in John 4 that even the disciples themselves were marvelling why Jesus was talking to the woman at the well.
We find in Matthew 19, Mark 10 and Luke 18 that even the disciples themselves were disallowing children to be brought to Jesus for Him to touch them and bless them.

But Jesus is not held by society’s standards.
Jesus came to show the standards of heaven.
Jesus perfectly showed us the heart of our God — The God who values every single person… the least to the greatest of society.

The gospel is this — our God values every single human being, regardless of what society says.
Man and woman.
Young and old.
The rich and the poor.
The healthy and the sick.
The ones who accept Him and the ones who reject Him.
Our God loves every single one of us… it is up to us to receive that love from Him.

Now those who had eaten were about five thousand men, besides women and children.

Matthew 14:21

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