Good News #259: The Holy Spirit Who Performed Great Miracles for the Early Church is Working Miracles for My Life Today!

The word “baptism” in the original Greek text is “baptizō” which carries the idea of getting immersed, dipped, soaked, fully wet… not just getting sprinkled or splashed with.

1 Corinthians 12:13 is saying that when we get born again and grafted into the body of Christ, we get baptized by One Spirit — the Holy Spirit.

And as Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, so is Holy Spirit.
He is One with Jesus just as The Father and Jesus, The Son, is One.

Holy Spirit was the Spirit who wrought miracles through the early church.

Holy Spirit was the One who healed the demon-possessed, crippled and paralyzed in Samaria through Philip.
Holy Spirit was the One who raised Dorcas from the dead through Peter.
Holy Spirit was the One who worked unusual miracles through Paul.

Holy Spirit is also the same yesterday, today and forever.
As Holy Spirit was in the early church so is He today.

The gospel is this — The same Holy Spirit who baptized the early church is the same Holy Spirit baptizing us today into One body of Christ.
The Holy Spirit who was working miracles back then is The Holy Spirit today who is still very much working miracles through yielded believers.
We can still very much expect miracles, signs and wonders today until Jesus comes back…
Because the Holy Spirit will never leave us… He abides forever in us who belong to Christ.

For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit.

1 Corinthians 12:13

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