Good News #258: When I Diligently Seek God and Believe in Him, He is Pleased With Me and Rewards Me Bountifully!

Just to be clear —
We are not telling anyone to run after the rewards instead of The Rewarder.

We are simply saying God is not offended when you do come to Him knowing that He will reward your intention of seeking Him and getting to know Him.
We are pointing out that God is not narrow-minded like us human beings that He would discard us when He sees that we look to His rewards. No, He’s not going to do that.

Jesus Himself said that the one who comes to Him He will be no means cast out.

In fact, we believe God loves it when we believe that He loves to reward people when they do come to Him even if they come to Him not for Himself but for what they can get out of Him.

We see this throughout the gospels… people come to Jesus to be healed… and nowhere in the gospels do we find Jesus turning anyone away for whatever reason.

Even gentiles went to Jesus for something that would benefit them… the Roman centurion for the healing of his servant… the Syro-Phoenician women for the deliverance of her demon-possesed daughter…

Romans were not keen on Jewish scripture and prophecies about The Messiah…
Syro-Phoenicians have their own list of baals and pagan gods…

The Roman centurion came for healing… not to get to know The Healer…
The Syro-Phoenician came for deliverance… not to get to know The Jewish Messiah who is The Son of God…
Yet Jesus rewarded them for coming to Him…

The gospel is this — God loves it when we believe He is God and that He is a rewarder for those who seek Him.
Our Lord God is not offended by whatever reason we come to Him for.
We can truly come to Him just the way we are.
He is God… He can sort us out better than we can sort each other.

But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

Hebrews 11:6

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