Good News #257: Believing in Jesus Qualifies Me to Receive the Gifts of His Holy Spirit!

Whether we admit it or not, everything we need, want and desire are found in The Lord our God… yet, none of us deserves anything from Him.

You see, God’s original design of creation provided everything for humanity… even the very presence of The Lord God was made available and accessible to humanity…

Genesis 3:8 tells us that The Lord God was with them in the garden…

But we know how what Adam did forfeited all of these and cut us off entirely from Him…

Yet God did not abandon humanity despite what happened.
He worked the work of redemption so that He can reconcile us back to Him… draw us back to Him.
This He did by sending His Son Jesus who made Himself The Way back to the Father…through His sacrifice at the cross for you and me…
Jesus bridged the gap between The Perfect God and sinful humanity.

And while the world around us still carries on in its corrupted state, the belief (faith) in Jesus and what He did gives us the privilege of receiving His very Presence in the Person of the Holy Spirit… the very same Presence who was with Adam and Eve in the garden before the fall of man.

In and from His Presence comes life and everything we need, want and desire.

The gospel is this — Noone can earn the Presence of The Lord God in their lives.
Yet our Lord God made the provision of the gift of His Presence in The Person of the Holy Spirit in the life of one who believes in Jesus, The Son of God, and His finished work at the cross.

he said to them, “Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?”
So they said to him, “We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit.”

Acts 19:2

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