Good News #253: I Believe That Only Through Jesus and In Him Alone That My Sins Are Forgiven Once and For All!

The original Greek text of the word translated to English as “gospel” is euaggelion (εὐαγγἐλιον). It means not just “good news” but “too good to be true news”…

Indeed the gospel is too good to be true BUT is absolutely too good and absolutely true… and because the gospel is so, it is often a challenge for humanity to receive it in its fullness… even christians who have been born again for a long time still struggle with the rawness of the truths of the gospel, one of which being that remission of sins is given to the one who believes in Jesus and what His sacrifice did for them…

This means there is nothing else to do but believe and receive.

The word “remission” means pardoning or forgiveness or cancelling of what is due. This means that through Jesus, God cancels the penalty we are meant to pay.

This means supposing we owe God a million dollars and God remits what we owe. It means God will never ask for us to pay for it ever again (not even a single cent) because Jesus paid for it already.

This is a hard truth for humanity to swallow because our flesh wants the glory of being our own saviour… our flesh wants to take credit for getting us to the point of forgiveness… and so we see the gospel getting watered down to where we think we can help Jesus in completing a task for us to earn forgiveness of sins or that we can add to what Jesus has done as if His sacrifice is not enough. Yet this is not what the gospel is… doing something to earn is not even good news. Besides, what Jesus did is a finished work… there is nothing else for us to do other than believe in Him and receive everything made available to us because of His sacrifice.

The gospel is this — Jesus is The Son of God who came to die for us and pay the penalty not even our own lives can cover.
All He asks is that you believe He is and that His sacrifice is more than enough for your sins to get remitted permanently, eternally, forever…
All glory to Jesus and Jesus alone!

To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.

Acts 10:43

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