Good News #252: Even In Times When I Lack Faith, Jesus Will Always Remain Faithful to Complete His Promises and What He Has Started in Me!

Ever since this world had been created, the sun had been shining on it every single day.

One part of the earth where the sun shines on directly experiences daytime.
The other part hidden from the sun experiences nighttime.

Yet every single day, the sun would rise and set on a part of the earth.

Whether you believe it or not, the sun will continue with this cycle because the nature and course of the sun is not dependent on whether you believe it will rise tomorrow or not…

In a similar manner, God’s nature is not dependent on our nature.
God’s nature is that of love, grace, mercy, faith, justice…

None of Who He is changes based on our temperament.

The refusal of people to believe that there is a God does not make Him non-existent.
The refusal of people to believe that He loves them does not make Him stop loving them.
The refusal of people to believe that God is for them does not turn Him against them.
The refusal of people to believe that God still heals, saves, redeems, prospers, protects people does not make Him stop doing any of this… it only stops people from holding out their hand to take what God offers to them unconditionally… because He will never force His grace on anyone…

None of what we do changes Who He is — The God who is faithful, loving, gracious, merciful, just, righteous, steadfast…

The gospel is this — our unbelief… our lack of faith… our faithlessness does not water down the faithfulness of God.
The faithfulness of God will prevail and it will accomplish what He wills.

For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect? Certainly not!

Romans 3:3-4

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