Good News #250: Jesus is Holding My Hands, I Am Sure of That, and He Will Never Let Go of Me!
A popular Christian cliché is to “hold on to God”… or… “never let go of The Lord’s hand”… making it sound like a relationship with God or a walk with The Lord or the presence of The Lord in one’s life is dependent on one’s own strength of grip on Him.
It also gives an impression that the Lord can just easily slip away from us if we don’t tighten our grip on Him.
Yet we read in Hebrews 13:5, The Lord being quoted to have said “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
And we also read Jesus Himself saying in John 10:28, 29 that all who belongs to Him, noone will be able to snatch them out of His hand… and that noone will also be able to snatch them out of His Father’s hand Who gives them to Jesus Himself… This means even we ourselves cannot snatch ourselves out of Jesus’ hand or of The Father’s hand.
The word of God is consistent wherever you look in the bible… what He says in the old testament in Isaiah 42:6 about Him holding our hand is exactly what He says in the new testament… there is no variation or shadow of turning in our God.
The gospel is this — we can rest in the strength of The Lord’s hand holding us.
We can rest in the integrity of His word that when He says He will hold our hand, He will hold our hand.
We can rest knowing that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
We can rest in the security of His hold because His hand is much greater than ours.
And even when we let go, He never will.