Good News #249: Jesus Offers Salvation Through Him to Everyone Without Any Qualification – Except to Just Believe in Him!

In Acts 10, when Peter came to the household of Cornelius, a non-Jew… an Italian centurion, Peter preached the gospel of Christ and when Peter came to the point of speaking about the remission of sins through Christ, the Holy Spirit fell on Cornelius and all who were present from his household… and the Holy Spirit baptized them without Peter initiating the baptism of these non-Jews.

This amazed Peter and the Jewish men who came with him to Cornelius’ house because until that time, they thought that the salvation of God through Jesus was only meant for the Jewish people of which Jesus came from.

But God is not just The God of the Jews, although He came to make Himself known through them first.

God is The God of all humanity…whether Jews or non-Jews… whether male or female… rich or poor… young or old…
He offers Himself and salvation through His Son Jesus to all of humanity.

Jesus came for all of us, regardless of our background, regardless of our past or our present.
Jesus shows no partiality. He came for all of us without making a distinction of what we have in the natural.
He came because we all need Him.

The gospel is this — Jesus does not disqualify anyone who comes to Him for their salvation and redemption.
Jesus shows no partiality.
Everyone who comes to Him He qualifies by His blood and His redemptive work at the cross.
Jesus welcomes everyone… no exceptions.

Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.

Acts 10:34

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