Good News #247: By Believing in Jesus’ Words, I Am Made Holy; By His Word, Which is Truth, I Am Sanctified!

To put holiness or sanctification simply, it is being set apart… being uncommon…

For example, in our closets, we have clothes we wear at home but there are clothes we “holy” or “sanctify” or “set apart” for wearing to work or going out.

All of us are born unholy or common… meaning we all have the same sinful nature in us, one that has been passed on from Adam. None of us is born perfect… none of us came out of our mother’s womb without the nature of Adam in him (except Jesus, of course… He was uncommon… holy… set apart…)

None of us can undo our unholiness or commonness that we inherited from Adam…
None of any good work we do can do it…

This is why Jesus (The Only Holy One) came to give us The Way to receive a brand new spirit… one that is unlike the dead spirit we inherited from Adam…

Every born again believer knows that the regeneration… the rebirth into a new creation has nothing to do with good works or charitable endeavours… not even going to church or fasting…

The receiving of a brand new spirit is solely because of what Jesus did for us to receive it. The only part we do is believe His word — that He is the Son of God, that His sacrificial death on the cross made the remissions of sins available for those who believe in Him and that His resurrection is proof that He did a finished work of dealing with humanity’s sins, once and for all.

Jesus is The Word of God.
Jesus is The Truth.
Jesus is The Sanctifier…
The One who makes holy that which is unholy…
The One who sanctifies and cleanses that which is defiled…

The gospel is this — Holiness or sanctification is by and through Jesus only.
Believe in Him and receive what He did… and once He sanctifies you from within…in your spirit… your actions will follow.

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

John 17:17

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