Good News #230: Jesus’ Wisdom in Me Leads to Abundance and Prosperity in My Life!

If you know Solomon, you know that he is the guy who asked The Lord for a wise and understanding heart… and God gave him wisdom and much more…

You see, God’s wisdom creates excellence in people.
God’s wisdom gives people success.
God’s wisdom attracts favor from other people.
God’s wisdom is the main ingredient for true prosperity in life… and prosperity is not always money but it does include it.

In Solomon’s time, because God liberally gave Solomon wisdom in a lot of things like no other king before or after him, the nation of Israel during Solomon’s time became so prosperous that even other royalties would travel far and wide to learn from the wisdom of the king and offer him tributes.

God’s wisdom on Solomon prospered the nation that gold was in so much abundance to the point where silver lost its value.

You see, abundance is God’s idea. We see this displayed from the beginning where He gave Adam and Eve all the trees and fruit for food…. all the herbs… with their seeds in them to bear more…

Whether we steward well the abundance God gives us or not is up to us… the lack in provision is never in God’s part.

If God did this for Solomon who lived during the old testament where the covenant was based on the blood of bulls and goats, how much more will He do so for us who are under a far more superior covenant cut by the blood of God’s Son Jesus Christ Himself, who became the Wisdom of God for us….

The gospel is this — The Holy Spirit, The Spirit of Christ, The Spirit of God — The Spirit of Truth and Wisdom now dwells in everyone who believes in Jesus and His finished work.
He Himself is the Wisdom of God in us.
We can expect His Wisdom to truly prosper our ways.

All King Solomon’s drinking vessels were gold, and all the vessels of the House of the Forest of Lebanon were pure gold. Not one was silver, for this was accounted as nothing in the days of Solomon.

2 Chronicles 9:20