Good News #226: As I Experience Jesus and His Many Blessings in My Life, I Tell Others of His Good News!

The account of Jesus setting the demon-possessed man free from a legion of demons is a stunning demonstration of the compassion of our God.

First — it was not the demon-possessed who sought Jesus for deliverance. Jesus crossed over the sea to get to him.
Second — not even a storm could stop Jesus from getting to the demon-possessed man. He rebuked the storm.
Third — not even a legion of demons can stand against Jesus. They were the ones begging Jesus.
Fourth — Jesus did not have to lift a finger. He only spoke one word — “Go” — and the legion rushed out of the man and away from the scene.

Jesus did all that was needed to be done to deliver the tormented man.
The man only needed to be in the presence of Jesus and receive deliverance.

The relief from the long-time torment would have been so incomprehensibly wonderful that there was no mistaking to Whom he owes his second chance at life that he begged to be with Jesus.

Yet, Jesus did not permit him. Jesus would have known the loneliness the man had been through not being able to come near friends and loved ones while he was under torment.

Jesus sent him back to his friends and at the same time, honored the man’s desire to be with Jesus by giving him the honor of telling his friends about the great things Jesus has done for him and how compassion had been shown him by The Lord.

The gospel is this — Jesus does not make us choose between our loved ones and Him.
He wants to be in the midst of us as we gather in His name.

And when He got into the boat, he who had been demon-possessed begged Him that he might be with Him. 19 However, Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, “Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you.”

Mark 5:18-19