Good News #223: By Sending Jesus to Sacrifice and Die on My Behalf, God is Showing His Unlimited Love and Faithfulness Towards Me!

Psalm 119 is an acrostic of the 22 Hebrew letters.

If your bible marks the start of each stanza with the letters, you will notice that Psalm 119:90 belongs to the stanza of the Hebrew letter lamed (ל), which is a picture of a shepherd’s staff.

This is remarkable because guess who The Greatest Shepherd is?
If you said “Jesus”, you’re absolutely right.

Jesus is The Greatest and Good Shepherd.

The Shepherd who makes us lie in abundant food (green pasture)…
makes sure we are not thirsty (still waters)…
cares for our well-being (soul restoration)…
leads us in the right path…
Who, though we ourselves lead ourselves to valleys of the shadow of death, remains with us to protect us with His rod (used to beat wolves, foxes, etc) and pulls us out of harm with His staff (the hook at the end of a shepherd’s staff has a hook meant to lift sheep that have fallen into ditches or cliffs)…

Jesus is The Greatest Shepherd who laid down His life for us, His sheep.
And if He died for us, there is nothing He would not do to keep us, preserve us, protect us, lift us up… in short, shepherd us.

In His preincarnate form in the old testament, The Lord had been shepherding His own…
He remained faithful to the children of Israel even when they turned away from Him.
Then He came in the flesh to draw the lost sheep of Israel back to Him and even draw other sheep not of the Israel flock so that we would be one flock under One Shepherd — Jesus.

The gospel is this — The Lord’s faithfulness is endless.
He is not only faithful to one generation or two or three or four.
He is faithful to ALL generations… us now and those that come after us.
Whatta God we have!

Your faithfulness endures to all generations;
You established the earth, and it abides.

Psalm 119:90